We are a company which is engaged in supply and Mediation Purchase Type Seaweed Gracilaria Euchema cottoni and good for export purposes and industrial purposes. We founded this business since 2004 in line with the development of market demand for this commodity. Since we founded this business is good demand from exporters of seaweed and increasing the processing plant, although the price is very volatile, but with a smooth communications between us and the farmers and buyers can we overcome that problem.
Some large companies both exporters and companies processing company has cooperated with us, on average they were satisfied with our performance which always maintain the quality of goods, even they routinely ask for supply of goods from us. Our production capacity is 100-200 tons per month, will be our future capacity increase by adding assisted farmers in the area so that our demand will be able to fulfill.
Eucheuma Seaweed temporarily cottoni we provide is capable of Seaweed origin from Sulawesi Takallar, Jeneponto, Bantaeng, Bulukumba, Bone, Palopo, Bau-Bau, Luwuk, Kendari, Tual, Raha, and Muna with specifications as follows:
• drought ( Moisturicy) : 35% - 38% ,
• levels of waste ( Impurity) : maximum 5%
• Planting Age: 45-60 days.
For capable Gracilaria Seaweed we provide is the Celebes Sea Grass origin of which from Palopo, Bone-Bone, Malili, Morowali, policing and Mamuju with specifications as follows:
• drought ( Moisturicy) : 16% - 22% ,
• levels of waste ( Impurity) : maximum 5%
• Planting Age: 45-60 days

We always emphasize on cottoni Euchema Seaweed Farmers and Gracilaria assisted us to always keep good quality goods drought levels, waste levels and age of the plant, by always watching at the time of seeding until the post-harvest management. We plan ahead to open a new partner outside the built-regions such as Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumatra, Maluku, and Irian Kupang this is because the area-the area also has great potential not least in Sulawesi both quality and quantity.
To keep the quality of goods, we always do the re-handling of goods that we receive from farmers by way of re-drying if seaweed Gracilaria Euchema cottoni and is still too wet to achieve the desired moisture content, then we do a good cleaning garbage moss, sand or salt stick.
The packaging we do after the goods have actually been achieved quality standards demanded by our customers. Usually we pack the items using the sack with an average weight between 70 kg-80kg or balle with 50kg/ Balle weight capacity.
Our warehouse located in the town of Bone-Bone, we deliberately select warehouse in Bone-Bone.
We opened the door wide to anyone who are competent in this field, ranging from farmers, wholesalers, exporters and processing plant to work with us, with a system of mutually beneficial cooperation and we will provide our best service to anyone who is interested to cooperate with us.

BTP ( Tamalanrea Bumi Permai) Blok AB No. 126
Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Phone: ( 0411) 3761078
Email: cottonisejahtera@
http: / /
Contact Person:
Rochimin Ramadhany
HP: +6281390824804


Senin, 24 Januari 2011


Kota yang terletak 350KM dari Makassar ini sangatlah relevan dengan julukan Icon Gracilaria Indonesia,setidaknya hal ini bisa di buktikan dengan banyaknya rumput laut Gracilaria dari daerah ini yang didistribusikan ke pabrik-pabrik produsen agar-agar di Indonesia bahkan sudah ribuan ton telah merambah pasaran export. Kondisi tersebut di sebabkan hingga saat ini belum ada daerah lain yang telah terbukti mampu menghasilkan produk Gracilaria sekelas Palopo baik secara kualitas maupun kuantitas, memang di daerah lain seperti pantura Jawa telah di adakan budidaya komoditas ini secara besar-besaran namun secara kualitas maupun kuantitas belum mampu menyamai rumput laut asal Palopo, bahkan beberapa pabrik besar produsen agar-agar tidak mau menggunakan bahan baku agar-agar mereka selain Gracilaria dari Palopo,penyebabnya menurut mereka adalah bahwa kandungan gel dan yielth-nya dari daerah ini memang sesuai dengan standar produksi mereka.

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